• Financial Freedom

    Ruby’s Current Journey to Financial Independence

    Ruby’s Current Journey To Financial Independence After working full time for 7+ years in Manila (and a couple of months in the UK), I found myself in the USA without knowing anybody. I mostly left the Philippines because I was getting tired of working without really having much to show for it. I was losing around 4 hours a day sitting in traffic on a commute to & from work, and seeing as the Philippines is a third world country, we are only being paid 80% less than our peers. The fact that I was losing time and money on a daily basis not being productive got me to be…

  • Financial Freedom

    Steps to Financial Freedom

    As you know, Peter and I are trying to become Financially Free – which is to say, we want our passive and portfolio income to support our lifestyle of travel and day to day expenses. How, are we going to get there? Well, in this post, we try to provide the steps we are trying to take in order to reach Financial Independence. You can emulate some of the steps that we are trying to do, but most of them are quite common sense but hard to wrap your heard around because it’s a mindset thing where you have to build habits to make it part of your day to…

  • Financial Freedom

    Why You Should Reach Financial Independence

    Oh Financial Independence – our biggest long-term goal. Peter and I are in our 30s, and as more and more airline and cruise deals keep popping up, the more of the world we want to see. How will we do that if we’re employed full-time right now? Well, we can’t. Except we vowed that we will, in the future. The thing is, we both refused to leave our jobs and just travel the world full-time and become digital nomads right now. We love our city and state too much to actually leave it for longer periods of time. So, we decided to stick it out with the Financial Independence technique…

  • Our Path to Financial Freedom

    Four Years On Our Path to Financial Freedom

    Trying to reach Financial Independence is hard, and I’m not going to try and lie. We seriously began considering Financial Independence seriously in 2014, back when my husband (then boyfriend) and I were talking about the freedom to travel and the freedom to do things that we wanted to do. The freedom to not go to work every day if we choose to. The freedom to choose the path that we want to take and work part time if we chose to. It is now 2018, and so I figured it will be good to share the accomplishments that we have done in our four years of trudging through the…

  • Nonconforming Financial Independence

    People seeking financial independence are dubbed as nonconformists. We seek ways to be financially free and a few seek to retire early, which goes against the norm of what majority of the population are used to: go to school, get a degree, get an advanced degree maybe, get a job, work until you’re 70, then retire! You’re finally free! Ever since I found the financial independence movement 5 years ago, I began reading more about productivity, effectiveness, optimization, and money. This is all for the sake of having more time in my life to do things that matter to me: spending time with family or friends, and experiencing life in…