Book Reviews

Looking for book reviews? You've come to the right place. Our site focuses on the following book genres:

  1. Non-Fiction
    1. Business and Finance
    2. Self-Help
    3. History
  2. Fiction
    1. Young Adult
    2. Chick Lit
    3. Children's Books
    4. Fiction/Literary Fiction
    5. Graphic Novels
    6. Manga
We also put our reviews on Goodreads after we are done with every book.

  • Money Lessons Learned from Crazy Rich Asians

    Money Lessons from Crazy Rich Asians

    Here are some money lessons I learned while reading the book, and watching the film, Crazy Rich Asians. After all, who says that fiction is just there to entertain? It's also there to learn lessons from!

  • Ruby's Reads Non-Fiction Book Reviews

    Dollars and Sense Book Review by Dan Ariely

    Imagine a book that tells you all the wrong things that majority of people do with their money. Imagine that the daily discounts that you’re seeing in the stores are not really discounts at all, but they are there to trick you into thinking they’re discounted when they’re actually the normal price (Kohl’s, JC Penney, anyone?) Imagine that you’re buying a house and the builder is trying to tack on add-ons. Want a wooden floor? Sure, it’s only an additional $2,000 on your $500,000 house, and you think “what a deal!” Dollars and Sense Book Review by Dan Ariely & Jeff Kreisler These things are the irrational thoughts we think…

  • Book Reviews

    2017 Personal Finance Book Reviews

    Here on A Journey We Love, we aim to do full time travel by becoming financially independent. However, from time to time we do book reviews about books that we may have read for the year. After all, being on the road means a bit of a downtime, especially if we are traveling from place to place (i.e. on an airplane, an airport, a train, a bus, a car, cruise ship – you get the drift). While we do read a bit of fiction books sometimes, we tend to focus more reviews on non-fiction books, especially ones that have made an impact on our lives. 2017 Personal Finance Book Reviews…

  • Best Books to Help Improve Your Life

    Rich Dad Book Reviews (2017 Edition)

    As I mentioned in another post, The Best Books to Help Improve Your Life, I may do more of these book reviews, but will do them 5 at a time. Well, surprise! Here's 5 more book reviews available for browsing in our humble blog. These vary from business, finance, and real estate investing books, so in some form or another, it is about money & earning it! This particular edition, I decided to focus the reviews on Robert Kiyosaki's Books. Why? Because Robert Kiyosaki's "Rich Dad Poor Dad book" has been an integral part of my life. It was actually the first personal finance book that I ever picked up when I was around…

  • Best Books to Help Improve Your Life

    Best Books To Help Improve Your Life

    The Best Books To Help Improve Your Life Since Peter and I work full time, we don’t always get to travel everyday. In the down time that we have either by commuting, staying at home, waiting in a queue among others, we find other ways to improve ourselves and occupy our time by reading books. I used to start out by doing book reviews on my other blog – which involved me writing a review about each and every book I read. However, not all the books I’ve read before are actually helpful to my life – some of them were just read to create a different world for myself…