Employed Life

  • How to Travel Every Weekend

    How to Travel Every Weekend

    Have a full time job but love to travel? How will you ever find the time to explore all the places that you want to see? How will you do all the activities that you’ve always planned to do? Do you find that your vacation days are never enough every year? Fear not, for we have a solution: we’ll focus on how to travel every weekend to explore more places while you’re maintaining a full time job. Of course, the best way to travel longer is to become financially independent, where your earnings from businesses or your investments are enough to survive on. Alternatively, you could take a sabbatical from…

  • What's Wrong with Staying Home

    What’s Wrong With Staying Home?

    With the "I Quit My Job to Travel the World" movement, more and more people are becoming unhappier staying at home and doing chillax stuff. We look at this from the other side, those who just want to stay in the comfort of their home and *gasp* are happy about it.

  • Work from Home with Baby Day in Life

    Work from Home with Baby Day in the Life

    This is a day in the life of a mom who works full time from home with a baby. It’s based on real life: my life. It shows the reality of how moms are doing a lot of things and putting on a lot of hats in the process of keeping their home and work life together. Here’s a typical day in the life of a mom with a baby on a weekday. I’ve even written a different post on tips on how to survive working from home with a baby. Note: We only have one child and this is our first baby. I gave birth in October 2019, then…

  • Murphys Law and the Coronavirus

    Murphy’s Law and the Pandemic

    Murphy’s Law – famous for “whatever could go wrong will go wrong”. And when things go wrong, it usually happens one after the other, when you think: “When will I ever get a break?” Case and point: the pandemic. Sure, people are adopting, coping, and trying their best to stay sane to the ‘new normal’. We humans are creatures of habit, and when our habits change, our behaviors and brains scramble to make sense of what’s happening and try to make sense out of everything that’s happening. Here’s our experience of the things that happened during the pandemic, and how we’re trying to cope with it: financially, psychologically, and mentally.…