
Finance-Related posts

  • Starting a Business with a Full Time Job

    The Dark Side of Starting a Business with a Full Time Job

    Start a blog to build an online presence and a business, they said. This can help you get established as a writer, or help lead you to a new career, they said. Starting an online passion project is touted by many to be the ultimate dream: a chance to take your life and your time in your own hands. While people can say that starting an online business and seeing it become successful is a dream come true, especially with mainstream media catching on and with thousands of 'inspiring' articles telling you to do the same, many people just don't see the dark side of starting an online business. Spoiler…

  • Why you can still have fun and retire early

    You Can Have Fun And Still Retire Early

    It’s a bit of an oxymoron, but it is true. I do like to spend money, but I am still going to retire early. Retiring early just means I am going to retire before the government definition of retirement age, so if I retire early at 40, so be it. Heck, even if I retire early at 60, that’s still somebody’s definition of an early retirement. I only live once, so why should I not spend money on things I like? If my idea of fun for this weekend is to watch a movie at the cinema using my Sinemia pass, then so be it. If it is driving more…

  • Our Path to Financial Freedom

    Four Years On Our Path to Financial Freedom

    Trying to reach Financial Independence is hard, and I’m not going to try and lie. We seriously began considering Financial Independence seriously in 2014, back when my husband (then boyfriend) and I were talking about the freedom to travel and the freedom to do things that we wanted to do. The freedom to not go to work every day if we choose to. The freedom to choose the path that we want to take and work part time if we chose to. It is now 2018, and so I figured it will be good to share the accomplishments that we have done in our four years of trudging through the…

  • Nonconforming Financial Independence

    People seeking financial independence are dubbed as nonconformists. We seek ways to be financially free and a few seek to retire early, which goes against the norm of what majority of the population are used to: go to school, get a degree, get an advanced degree maybe, get a job, work until you’re 70, then retire! You’re finally free! Ever since I found the financial independence movement 5 years ago, I began reading more about productivity, effectiveness, optimization, and money. This is all for the sake of having more time in my life to do things that matter to me: spending time with family or friends, and experiencing life in…

  • Financial Health Matters for Higher Education and Beyond

    When I was living in the Philippines, my mom had set up a college plan for me, which dismayed and annoyed my dad because he did not believe in financial planning. Sure enough, he did not live to see the day that I will enter university. Because of an illness, he passed away before I even made it to high school. If it was not for that prepaid college plan, and my mom helping out, I may not have been able to go to the university I liked. When Peter was going to university, he never got a full scholarship (only a partial one) to an in-state school in Florida.…