
All about our travels: from Travel Hacking, trip reviews, and general travel tips.

  • Los Cabos Mexico

    4 Days in Los Cabos Mexico

    Picture this: you get a timeshare deal on your email with the words: 5 day 4 nights at the Westin Los Cabos for only $399. Would you go for this deal or would you think it’s too good to be true? We jumped at the chance, because why not? It was a good deal for a city that’s known for vacationing celebrities and multi-million dollar homes. If you want to skip the long blog, here’s a summary of what we did on our 4 days in Los Cabos. 4 Day Itinerary to Los Cabos (from the East Coast): Day 1: Arrive late at hotel after a few hours of flying…

  • Three Day Raleigh Itinerary

    Three Day Raleigh Travel Itinerary

    Before we got pregnant, we were pretty much booking any cheap fare we can get our hands on. As long as the round-trip ticket is $100 or less, we are in, and one of those trips happened to be to Raleigh, North Carolina. Three Day Itinerary to Durham, Raleigh, and Winston-Salem North Carolina What is there to do in the area for almost 3 full days? Since we are quick travelers and it’s the middle of summer, we just wanted to see the cities, even though we love to do hikes in state parks when we travel (just not when it’s 100+ degrees outside!). It is best to rent a…

  • An iconic view of Chicago (weekend in chicago)

    Journey To Chicago: What to Do in the Windy City

    Chicago What do you picture when you hear that word? I hear Polish truck drivers in a Mamet play delivering groceries, spectacular wind chills blowing off Lake Michigan, Cubs and White Sox, Bauhaus and Contemporary structures sitting side by side, Al Capone and speakeasies, Second City, Windy City, White City, Home Alone, Chicago the Musical, deep dish pizza, Sears Tower, loudness, and the eternal rumble of the “L” trains. We visited Chicago for only two full days and a morning, so we only saw downtown Chicago, for the most part.  Still, we saw Chicago as it woke up in the morning and how it went to sleep (or didn’t go to sleep), how…

  • Travel Hacking Alaska

    Travel Hacking Alaska: Planning Our Trip

    When we got married in May 28, 2015, a crucial choice had to be made, and that was with regards to our honeymoon. Where in the world would we go? We’ve already been to a few honeymoon spots like Turks & Caicos, Cancun, and even Montego Bay so we definitely don’t want a beach honeymoon, and we definitely want something out of the box. We both knew that we needed to stay somewhere local – as we were going to apply for a green card for me and didn’t know how long it will take (at the time), so we eyed Hawaii or Alaska. The choice was made in the…

  • From Desk Jobs to Full Time Travel

    From Desk Jobs to Full Time Travel Jobs

    The biggest problem that people with wanderlust get with reading travel books and blogs is well, you guessed it: even more wanderlust. The fact that we have a full time desk job aggravates the fact even more that we can’t just travel and take off whenever we want to. It’s sad but true. Compare your life with those with full time travel jobs and well, you get even more frustrated. From Desk Jobs to Full Time Travel Jobs When you sold your soul to your desk job life, you have resigned yourself to the fact that for 5 days out of every 7, you will have to show up every…