Travel within the USA.

  • My Expat Journey to the UK and USA

    Expat Journey Through the UK and the USA

    Hi! I’m Ruby, you probably know me from this blog, or the other blog, through Instagram, Facebook, or on Twitter. You may even know me from offline so hello hello! You guys probably know that I work full time, and have been for nearly 11 years. However, did you know that I have been working full time with one company for the past 10 years, or that I was an expat for several years before I moved full time to the USA? Those of you who know me offline (either as friends, acquaintances or AirBnB guests) probably know exactly where I am working, but hey, I’m here to tell you…

  • Orlando Chocolate Kingdom

    Orlando’s Chocolate Kingdom (Review)

    On a recent Expedia activities deal, Peter and I decided to use the lucrative Expedia coupon ($25 off $30) for a tour to Chocolate Kingdom. Because why not, right? It was an activity we haven’t been before and who doesn’t want to sample chocolate? What’s Chocolate Kingdom? Good question, we didn’t know what it was either – essentially it is a boutique chocolate factory where you can take behind the scenes tours of how chocolate is made as well as its humble origins. Orlando’s Chocolate Kingdom Touring Chocolate Kingdom Chocolate Kingdom is located near Orlando’s International Drive. Tucked away in a small hotel complex close to the convention center, it…

  • Here’s what we did with 25 vacation days (in 2016)

    Despite the implications of the title, “What We Did With Our 25 Vacation Days”, this is not a bragging post. We know that we’re lucky to work for a company which grants that many days off, especially in America. Rather, we just want to show how far you can stretch your days off and visit different places, and save some money in order to inspire you to do the same. Want to know how? This is what we did with our 25 vacation days: A summary of the places we visited, including Foreign Countries, U.S. States, and U.S. Cities: Foreign Countries – Jamaica, Germany, France, Switzerland, Austria, Slovakia, Czech Republic…

  • Saint Michael's Gate, Bratislava, Slovakia

    Where We’ve Been: USA Travel Postcards

    The Inspiration: USA Travel Postcards I got this idea from a friend’s Facebook page – where he made postcards from every city he’s every been. Great idea, right? This is the first out of many travel postcards we plan to make. The first is of USA Travel Postcards – where we currently live now! You too can use our photos as postcards if you wish, but if you do share it, please link or share back to our page as a thank you! These photos were taken by Ruby or Peter using either their camera phone or their camera, and act as the perfect souvenir for our website, so our…