• Orlando Chocolate Kingdom

    Orlando’s Chocolate Kingdom (Review)

    On a recent Expedia activities deal, Peter and I decided to use the lucrative Expedia coupon ($25 off $30) for a tour to Chocolate Kingdom. Because why not, right? It was an activity we haven’t been before and who doesn’t want to sample chocolate? What’s Chocolate Kingdom? Good question, we didn’t know what it was either – essentially it is a boutique chocolate factory where you can take behind the scenes tours of how chocolate is made as well as its humble origins. Orlando’s Chocolate Kingdom Touring Chocolate Kingdom Chocolate Kingdom is located near Orlando’s International Drive. Tucked away in a small hotel complex close to the convention center, it…

  • Financial Independence Through Real Estate

    Achieving Financial Independence through Real Estate Online

    What is financial independence? Financial independence is basically being in an economic state that allows you to live comfortably without having a job. Unless you win the lottery, are a student living with your parents, or have a nice trust fund set up for you, you likely are among the working class. Even if you don’t fit within any of these groups, there is another way you can become financially independent. How can you achieve financial independence through real estate? Housing flipping is the practice of purchasing a home with the intention to quickly resell it for more. To be considered a flip, the property must be bought and resold…

  • Bratislava things to do

    Things To Do in Bratislava: By a Local

    I’ve never heard of anything like it before, and yet it plays such an important figure in my life now that I know my husband was born and raised there. When he first took me to Bratislava in April 2015 on my first Central Europe visit, I did not know what to expect. Maybe just hints of the old communist world of tenement houses, and a bit of European charm. This article aims to give you the best of Bratislava and the things to do within the city: all from a local’s point of view (of course, we visited most of the touristy spots, but you get my drift). It’s…

  • Why is it easy to spend money than earn it

    Why is it easy to spend money and so hard to earn it

    Says the normal employed person, which accounts for a lot of us in the world. We toil and toil just to chase the little colored printed papers (greenbacks in the US) in order to live well and survive. It is a question we all ask most days when we want to buy or spend on something: Why is it easy to spend money and so hard to earn it? None of my answers are scientific. These are just mere observations, and of course, based on my own personal experience. For the record, I have a full-time desk job that gets paid every 2 weeks with a few side hustles tossed…

  • Starting a Business with a Full Time Job

    The Dark Side of Starting a Business with a Full Time Job

    Start a blog to build an online presence and a business, they said. This can help you get established as a writer, or help lead you to a new career, they said. Starting an online passion project is touted by many to be the ultimate dream: a chance to take your life and your time in your own hands. While people can say that starting an online business and seeing it become successful is a dream come true, especially with mainstream media catching on and with thousands of 'inspiring' articles telling you to do the same, many people just don't see the dark side of starting an online business. Spoiler…