• Applying for Schengen Visa for Philippine Passport

    Schengen Visa Application for Philippine Passport (for Free)

    Marrying a European meant that we do have to go to Europe every now and again to visit family or just go sightseeing. The problem with that is, I need to get a Schengen visa since I have a Philippine passport. Not to worry, did you know you can get a free Schengen visa application with a Philippine passport? There is a catch though – you’ll have to prove that your family member is a European citizen. The process is almost the same as a Schengen visa, but is easier because of the EU’s right to free movement, and of course, free and faster. Since there are not much articles…

  • 5 Day Itinerary to the Philippines

    Have you ever been interested in planning a trip to the Philippines, but have no idea where to even begin when it comes to mapping out an itinerary? Because the Philippines has so much to offer, you might feel the urge to squeeze in as many destinations as possible into your trip, but after you read this post, you will have a better idea on where to go and what to do for a 5-day trip. This beautiful Southeast Asian country consists of over 7,000 islands, so your best bet is to pick and choose the ideal spots for what you’re looking to gain from your travels. Certain islands cater…

  • Why you can still have fun and retire early

    You Can Have Fun And Still Retire Early

    It’s a bit of an oxymoron, but it is true. I do like to spend money, but I am still going to retire early. Retiring early just means I am going to retire before the government definition of retirement age, so if I retire early at 40, so be it. Heck, even if I retire early at 60, that’s still somebody’s definition of an early retirement. I only live once, so why should I not spend money on things I like? If my idea of fun for this weekend is to watch a movie at the cinema using my Sinemia pass, then so be it. If it is driving more…

  • 5 Best Road Trips from New York City

    Can’t take the go-go nature of New York City for another second? It’s time you got out of town with your friends. Fortunately, NYC is optimally positioned for a number of excellent road trips – in this article, we’ll break down five trips that will recharge your batteries by the time they are over. You can also check our road trip essentials on a separate post. Philadelphia, PA Situated only 97 miles from downtown New York City, The City of Brotherly Love is a natural destination for urban-minded New Yorkers looking to take in a place with a decidedly different but unique feel. Get a rental car, insure it through…