• Buying vs Renting A House - Which one is better

    Buying vs Renting a House – Which One Is Better?

    A battle that is debated continuously in the personal finance world. If you want a simple answer, it will depend on your situation right now. Here, we discuss some of the pros and cons of each and why we ultimately became homeowners ourselves. The perks of buying a house I mean it doesn’t even have to be a house-house. You can decide to live in a townhouse, or a condo, or even in a trailer or tiny house. Once you decide to buckle down and buy, there are a few things we considered such as: Cost of renting vs monthly mortgage payments Most people (like us) can’t afford to buy…

  • Bohol Bee Farm, Philippines

    The Real Cost of Travel

    What is the first reaction you receive when you tell someone that you’re traveling? I ask this question, out of curiosity, because whenever me and Ruby go traveling during the year, people we talk to sometimes express surprise and often ask us how we can afford to travel so much. One of the most common questions we’ve received is, “Are your families rich or something?” (for the record, no!). Travel is classified as a “leisure” activity, but that leisure word really means “luxury” for most people in the United States, at least from my experience.  It’s as if there is a bit of a stigma attached to the word here,…

  • Where to go in Dublin Ireland

    Where to Go in Dublin Ireland

    Our trip to Ireland was more of a whim, from an airfare sale that was $380. It took a bit of time before we finalized our itinerary, but we did it and we had a blast! To read more of our Ireland adventure, click the below articles: Our First Impressions of Ireland (Peter’s account of our trip) A Guide to the Irish Visa for Filipinos (based on my experience on getting an Irish visa with a Philippine passport) Ireland’s Ancient East Itinerary (for those who want to follow where we went on our one week trip) Where to Go in Dublin Ireland Most people say Dublin is good for a…

  • Central Park, New York City

    A budget trip to New York City

    New York is an expensive city to live and visit – with higher tax rates, limited space, and millions of tourists converging to the Big City, there’s only so much resources and space to share. However,  in this article, we try to give you tips on how to survive New York City on a budget by breaking down our costs so you may replicate our travels as well! A Budget Trip to New York City The back story: One of my friends (and old roommate) moved to the Big Apple last year, so we find ourselves going there to visit for a couple of days just to see her &…