Financial Health Matters for Higher Education and Beyond
When I was living in the Philippines, my mom had set up a college plan for me, which dismayed and annoyed my dad because he did not believe in financial planning. Sure enough, he did not live to see the day that I will enter university. Because of an illness, he passed away before I even made it to high school. If it was not for that prepaid college plan, and my mom helping out, I may not have been able to go to the university I liked. When Peter was going to university, he never got a full scholarship (only a partial one) to an in-state school in Florida.…
Help! My Partner Is A Spender!
It’s the typical human story: you grow up, interact with the opposite (or same) sex, have little crushes, and you decide to pursue the other person in a more romantic way. You date a few people, you feel that you have met The One, and you decide to get serious and settle down with The One. You get to know the other person a bit more, you are chugging along with your life goals and then all of a sudden you discover financial independence through blogs, reading books, podcasts, and whatnot. The Discovery You want to get aboard the gravy train, you want to stop spending, you want to get…