Why We Bought A House (even if we travel a lot)
To own or to rent: an eternal question that boggles us who have been in the workforce long enough to have saved a bit of money and want a place to live in. After the huge housing crisis circa 2008, we fast forward to 2015, when the prices of homes began to go higher, making it harder for most folks to own a house of their own. After a few years of renting, Peter and I buckled down and decided to buy a home. Here’s part one of our journey through home ownership — the hows, what & the why. Why We Bought A House: A Background Peter and I used…
Rich Dad Book Reviews (2017 Edition)
As I mentioned in another post, The Best Books to Help Improve Your Life, I may do more of these book reviews, but will do them 5 at a time. Well, surprise! Here's 5 more book reviews available for browsing in our humble blog. These vary from business, finance, and real estate investing books, so in some form or another, it is about money & earning it! This particular edition, I decided to focus the reviews on Robert Kiyosaki's Books. Why? Because Robert Kiyosaki's "Rich Dad Poor Dad book" has been an integral part of my life. It was actually the first personal finance book that I ever picked up when I was around…