• Give the Gift of Travel

    Give the Gift of Travel this Holiday Season

    For my birthday last September (2016), I asked Peter not to buy me anything; rather, I asked him to give me something travel related as a present. Modern norms tell us that anything that marks an occasion in our lives be it a birthday, an anniversary, or holidays, a present is expected. The thing is, in this world of consumerism, we end up buying more and more stuff as presents, and do not put enough thought into the meaning of it. Which is why for my birthday, instead of getting something wrapped in a piece of paper and trying to guess what it is, I asked him to just cover…

  • Murphys Law and the Coronavirus

    Murphy’s Law and the Pandemic

    Murphy’s Law – famous for “whatever could go wrong will go wrong”. And when things go wrong, it usually happens one after the other, when you think: “When will I ever get a break?” Case and point: the pandemic. Sure, people are adopting, coping, and trying their best to stay sane to the ‘new normal’. We humans are creatures of habit, and when our habits change, our behaviors and brains scramble to make sense of what’s happening and try to make sense out of everything that’s happening. Here’s our experience of the things that happened during the pandemic, and how we’re trying to cope with it: financially, psychologically, and mentally.…

  • 2017 Travel and Experiences on a Budget

    2017 Travels and Experiences on a Budget

    It is nearly the end of October as I type this post and our 2017 travel plans are more or less coming into fruition. Before the end of the year and we have to do our 2016 roundups, achievements & goals post (which will not be in one blog, thankfully), we present to you our 2017 Travels and Experiences on a Budget. This is only a rough draft and would cover certain cities, states or countries that we already have reservations for or have penciled in our calendars. Each table would contain links to articles that would provide you our itinerary, our cost breakdown, and our reviews (or thoughts of…

  • 2020 Travel Plans

    Our 2020 Travel Plans

    These are our 2020 Travel Plans. We are trying to travel responsibly in the midst of a pandemic while enjoying what's left of the year doing what we love best: travel.