• Travel Hacking Alaska

    Travel Hacking Alaska: Planning Our Trip

    When we got married in May 28, 2015, a crucial choice had to be made, and that was with regards to our honeymoon. Where in the world would we go? We’ve already been to a few honeymoon spots like Turks & Caicos, Cancun, and even Montego Bay so we definitely don’t want a beach honeymoon, and we definitely want something out of the box. We both knew that we needed to stay somewhere local – as we were going to apply for a green card for me and didn’t know how long it will take (at the time), so we eyed Hawaii or Alaska. The choice was made in the…

  • GhostBed Mattress Protector (Review)

    If you are moving to a new place then one needs to consider what items one needs to buy, upgrade, or replace. In our case, we have more rooms in our new place than our current one, and luckily enough, we got a hand-me-down bed. The only problem? There’s no mattress protector on the bed we inherited. Good thing GhostBed came to the rescue and offered us a mattress protector in exchange for an honest review. How cool is that? We saved a little bit of money. Yay! GhostBed Mattress Protector (Review) Now note that even though we got a product in exchange for a review, all our opinions are…

  • 4 ways to stay safe during a European road trip

    There is no longer any doubt that Europe is the most popular destination for international tourism. In their 2018 report, the United Nations World Tourism Organisation highlighted that very fact with the statistic that over half of all tourists worldwide, or 672 million people, chose Europe as their travel destination. And why not? With 51 countries, all of which have their own unique cultures, cuisines and climates, with 132 UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Western Europe alone, and with a plethora of stable governments which actively promote and encourage tourism, it would seem to be the obvious choice for any wanderer looking to put a few miles under their belt.…

  • Baby stuff for cheap or free

    Baby Stuff For Cheap (or Free)

    Welcome to our second trimester post! I’m sort of back to my normal self, but I get tired really easily and my brain seems to have succumbed to my pregnancy when I can’t think clearly. Other than that though, I’m still taking it easy, hence, the lesser amount of blog posts you see here (apologies!) On our first trimester post, I’m pretty much a zombie who’s always sick and tired all the time, so I did not have much time to devote to researching and planning. Now, I will have to make the most of the next 3 months (well, 2 months now), to try and learn how to get…

  • 5 Awesome Facts About Ottawa, Canada

    Canada is one of the most amazing countries in the world. It has amazing scenic views, bustling city life, and the best poutine you’ll ever eat. One of the most interesting places in the country is Ottawa, Canada’s capital city. Originally called “Bytown,” this city is one of the most important to the heritage and culture of Canada because of its long history. It is a safe area where there are many jobs available, lots of things to do, and an abundance of interesting individuals to encounter. Here are some facts you might not know about this amazing city. A diverse city One of the greatest qualities of Ottawa is…