• Cubicle Workers Manifesto

    The Cubicle Dwellers Manifesto

    You probably all know that Peter and I work full time. But here we are, managing to blog and type our thoughts, experiences, and travels in this blog. Because of a very frustrating bureaucratic experience I just had, I am writing this open letter to each and everyone of you who may be reading this that are currently employed by a company. Yes, maybe 99% of you reading this may be affected. I’m calling it… The Cubicle Dwellers Manifesto ******************************************************** Dear Cubicle Dwellers, Greetings! First off, let me introduce myself. I too am a cubicle dweller – meaning, working a full time 9-6 job much like more than 80% of…

  • Financial Independence with kids

    Reaching Financial Independence with Kids

    Congratulations! You just found out you’re expecting a little one in your family. You’re on your path to Financial Independence, and you’re more than happy to add to your brood. Here’s our personal account of our journey to try and reach FI with a child. This is fairly new to us, so we are still updating this post as we go along with various other links to articles that we’re making the journey along the way.  Reaching Financial Independence with a Child Chapter One: The Pregnancy Test When you or your partner thinks that they’re pregnant, their initial thought will be to buy a pregnancy test. Frugal hack: We bought…

  • From Desk Jobs to Full Time Travel

    From Desk Jobs to Full Time Travel Jobs

    The biggest problem that people with wanderlust get with reading travel books and blogs is well, you guessed it: even more wanderlust. The fact that we have a full time desk job aggravates the fact even more that we can’t just travel and take off whenever we want to. It’s sad but true. Compare your life with those with full time travel jobs and well, you get even more frustrated. From Desk Jobs to Full Time Travel Jobs When you sold your soul to your desk job life, you have resigned yourself to the fact that for 5 days out of every 7, you will have to show up every…

  • Financial Freedom

    Why You Should Reach Financial Independence

    Oh Financial Independence – our biggest long-term goal. Peter and I are in our 30s, and as more and more airline and cruise deals keep popping up, the more of the world we want to see. How will we do that if we’re employed full-time right now? Well, we can’t. Except we vowed that we will, in the future. The thing is, we both refused to leave our jobs and just travel the world full-time and become digital nomads right now. We love our city and state too much to actually leave it for longer periods of time. So, we decided to stick it out with the Financial Independence technique…

  • Three Day New York Itinerary

    3 Day New York City Itinerary (52 WW)

    New York City. Feb 15-19, 2019. We booked this trip for a visa run to go to Europe. Technically, we were supposed to apply for my Slovak Schengen visa, but it didn’t happen. In fact, we didn’t need to fly anymore – we found out we could just mail the documents to the DC embassy instead! With a winter storm just finishing, and with our friends out of town (our other reason for flying up there), we had to come up with an impromptu itinerary which was literally just booked and finalized on a Thursday after we checked in to our flight. We have been to New York City so…