• How Much Spend on Travel

    How to Save Money on Travel if You Don’t Have a Credit Card

    We rarely get guest posts on this blog, but when we got approached by Club Thrifty, we can’t help but say yes! Long before we had this site, I had been following Holly’s website for her travel hacking ideas and her other personal finance posts. It is an honor to have them on our site! ******** Credit card rewards are a wonderful way to see the world for less. Heck, we’ve used them to travel the world for pennies on the dollar. But, how do you save money on travel if you don’t have a credit card with bazillions of points? I’m glad you asked! The good news is you…

  • The After Tax 401k Retirement Strategy

    The Mega Backdoor Roth 401k Retirement Strategy

    I attended a seminar hosted by my employer on the new benefit they are rolling out. They are now allowing Roth 401k contributions as part of our 401k plan. Happy days, right? More options for people who want to have more options. But little did I know that this will open up an entire new retirement strategy for us and will mean more tax-deferred or even tax-free growth on earnings on our money! The Mega Backdoor Roth 401k Retirement Strategy Most people will probably not consider putting more money in an after-tax 401k. There’s so many reasons why: Can’t max out pre-tax, so why even put in after-tax money? Living…

  • Montego Bay Under 520 USD

    Montego Bay Jamaica On A Budget

    Montego Bay, Jamaica: known for being a tourist paradise located less than an hour and 40 minutes from Miami International. I never thought I would get here, but I did, thanks to points, miles, and taking advantage of various promotions. We try to break down how we managed to go to this wonderful place without spending a ton of money, and we’ll show you exactly how we did it so you can replicate it! Sounds good? Great. Let’s get started.

  • Supertree Grove - Gardens by The Bay, Singapore

    Five Festivals You Have to Experience in Singapore

    Singapore is a perfect example of why you never judge something based on size. While this city-state may be relatively small in landmass, it certainly packs a punch when it comes to sights, attractions, and vacation experiences. Another thing Singapore is well-known for is its many festivals that happen all year long. If you’ve recently booked a vacation to Singapore or are considering booking one, you may want to take a look at these top five festivals that are well-worth experiencing. Note: We just came back from a week long trip to Singapore too, and while we missed the craziness of the Chinese New Year, there are still plenty of decorations…

  • Life Hacks to Make Traveling Less Stressful

    If you’re like most people, you love to take vacations, but the actual traveling can be stressful and frustrating. There are some aspects of travel that can never change, but many traveling headaches can be alleviated through careful planning and taking a few pointers from more experienced travelers. Make Sure You’re Protected One of the most important aspects of traveling is to ensure that you protect yourself with insurance. While car insurance is important, especially for high-risk drivers, there are other types of insurance you should get as well. If you’re traveling by road and remaining in the country, your standard auto policy is acceptable, but you should make sure…