• Book Reviews

    2017 Personal Finance Book Reviews

    Here on A Journey We Love, we aim to do full time travel by becoming financially independent. However, from time to time we do book reviews about books that we may have read for the year. After all, being on the road means a bit of a downtime, especially if we are traveling from place to place (i.e. on an airplane, an airport, a train, a bus, a car, cruise ship – you get the drift). While we do read a bit of fiction books sometimes, we tend to focus more reviews on non-fiction books, especially ones that have made an impact on our lives. 2017 Personal Finance Book Reviews…

  • Classic car

    Car Lease: Jargon Explained and Made Simple for You

    Leasing a car is hard. But it doesn’t have to be. Before you decide to visit your nearest dealership, it’s a good idea to do a bit of homework first so you won’t get taken advantage of before you commit and sign your name on the dotted line. There’s nothing salespeople love more than for you to walk into those doors without any clue as to what that car leasing jargon even means. To avoid getting more than you have bargained for, do yourself a favor and brush up on these terms. You’ll be pleasantly surprised to know that they aren’t as confusing as you thought they would be. With…

  • Applying for Irish Visa

    Ireland Visa Application for Philippine Passports

    Another day, another drama, another chapter in my love/hate relationship with my Philippine passport. What started out as a great deal from the US to Ireland is giving me more of a headache than I could have ever imagined, and made me wish in part that I wasn’t going to Ireland (or other visa countries) and used this time to travel somewhere else that’s visa free for my passport, like Ecuador or Peru. So let me recount to you my experience with the Ireland Visa Application. Ireland Visa Application for Philippine Passports To start off, I hold a green card to the United States, but I’m still a Philippine passport…

  • My Partner is A Spender

    Help! My Partner Is A Spender!

    It’s the typical human story: you grow up, interact with the opposite (or same) sex, have little crushes, and you decide to pursue the other person in a more romantic way. You date a few people, you feel that you have met The One, and you decide to get serious and settle down with The One. You get to know the other person a bit more, you are chugging along with your life goals and then all of a sudden you discover financial independence through blogs, reading books, podcasts, and whatnot. The Discovery You want to get aboard the gravy train, you want to stop spending, you want to get…

  • What Financial Health Means

    What Financial Health Means

    Back in 2013, my employer from back home had a job opening in the USA, and so I decided to move. I started earning so much more than what I was making back home, but once I got here I found that everything was so expensive. I didn’t know how I could survive with the $500 I had at the time. I had a job, but I didn’t know when I was going to get paid to buy things that I needed. It was a terrible feeling. That Sense of Entitlement If you are working and expecting a steady paycheck, it is easy to take things for granted. There are…