• Pigly saving money

    Pigly: A Financial Calculator Review

    During this pandemic, we have been forced to look more closely at our finances. Seeing that we’re not traveling as much, we realized that we are saving much more. We’re not paying as much for gas to get to work, spontaneous travels, nor on weekly restaurant treats. In fact, we are actually optimizing our finances more. Given these new financial data from the pandemic, we decided to look for an online financial calculator and stumbled upon this website called Pigly. After all, one has to constantly review their finances if one wants to achieve financial independence. Pigly Real Estate Calculator A Review of Pigly’s Financial Calculators Being the lover of…

  • The Best Travel Shows on Amazon Prime

    Six Best Travel Shows on Amazon Prime (2021)

    Since our family is spending a lot of time not traveling and spending more time indoors, we are getting more of our travel fix by watching travel shows. It seems like there are a lot more travel-related shows on Amazon Prime than there are on Netflix. Here’s a list of our favorites, and why you should watch them too. Note: As of publishing (updated Jan 2021), these shows are still available with an Amazon Prime membership. However, things quickly change when it comes to streaming services. Sometimes shows get dropped and new ones get added. We’ll try to update this post whenever possible. Word Travels First aired in the early…

  • The Positives of Local Travel

    Borders and restrictions are slowly opening up from the recent events, but leisure travel is still a bit of a question mark for our family. It’s a personal decision as we don’t want to expose our little one to the virus, and don’t want to get sick either. So what is there to do in these times to quell the wanderlust of a travel-loving family? The solution: local travel. Happiness with New Experiences A few weeks passed since the original outbreak shut down businesses and travel, my family has been just isolating at home. The only time one of us would venture out was to pick up the essentials like…

  • Sunset in Tennessee

    Treat Your Weekend as a Vacation

    “What are you doing this 3-day weekend? Anything special?”  “Oh you know, just need to tidy up around the house, run some errands. Maybe see a movie or something.” “How about going to Nashville on a 3-day weekend? Or a roadtrip? Or take an all-night bus to a new state you haven’t been to before?” “Wish I could, but there’s no time for that and it’s expensive and, besides, I need to clean up the house and everything.  Catch up on Netflix, things like that.” Have you ever been in an exchange like this, or know anyone who has? Of course you have, because this happens every time there is…