• Financial Freedom

    Ruby’s Current Journey to Financial Independence

    Ruby’s Current Journey To Financial Independence After working full time for 7+ years in Manila (and a couple of months in the UK), I found myself in the USA without knowing anybody. I mostly left the Philippines because I was getting tired of working without really having much to show for it. I was losing around 4 hours a day sitting in traffic on a commute to & from work, and seeing as the Philippines is a third world country, we are only being paid 80% less than our peers. The fact that I was losing time and money on a daily basis not being productive got me to be…

  • My Expat Journey to the UK and USA

    Expat Journey Through the UK and the USA

    Hi! I’m Ruby, you probably know me from this blog, or the other blog, through Instagram, Facebook, or on Twitter. You may even know me from offline so hello hello! You guys probably know that I work full time, and have been for nearly 11 years. However, did you know that I have been working full time with one company for the past 10 years, or that I was an expat for several years before I moved full time to the USA? Those of you who know me offline (either as friends, acquaintances or AirBnB guests) probably know exactly where I am working, but hey, I’m here to tell you…