Family travel guides around the US, Europe, and Asia
Peter and Ruby Wedding Photo Gallery
Here’s the official Peter and Ruby Wedding Photo Gallery, from Getting Ready to Formals to the Ceremony to the Reception, specially curated for this website. We’ll release more photos on more blog posts, but for now, here’s a teaser of some of the best we chose (which will ultimately go to our wedding photo album)
Ruby getting ready
The Limousine Awaits
Dazzling Ruby
First Kiss!
We had a lot of different poses, as you can see.
In front of the altar
Bridesmaids and Groomsmen
Ruby and the Bridesmaids – sounds like a rock group!
I'm Peter, and I love soccer (football) and travel. I live with Ruby, and our son, Alex. We travel as a family within the US, Europe, and Asia and we currently live in Jacksonville, FL.