Peter & Ruby's wedding webpage. Get information on where the church & reception will be, as well as things to see/do, and what to expect.
How to Apply for a Green Card
So, after me and Ruby were married on May 28, 2016 in Sarasota, Florida (which you can read about in three parts here: Part 1, Part 2: Ceremony, Part 3: Party, with bonus photo galleries too), the next step is to apply for a Green Card for Ruby. The Green Card is really a permanent residency – it gives you the legal right to live and work in the U.S. for 10 years before you’d have to renew it. This process is not simple, because it involves a lot of forms that need to be prepared, and a lot of documents scanned and printed out. The purpose of this post…
A Slovak Philippine Wedding: Party (Part 3)
So we come to the final and most fun part of the wedding, the wedding reception! After the initial nervousness that comes with the extensive wedding day morning preparation (or, in my case, breakfast, TV, and a bit of freshening up), and the full-length wedding ceremony, the wedding reception is by far the most fun out of the three. It’s the part where you breathe a sigh of relief, down a few glasses of champagne, and dance to Gangnam Style. But more on that later. Photographs and Poses After we arrived from the church, the rain finally stopped, so we had plenty of sunshine for our photos. There were many…
A Slovak-Philippine Wedding: Part 2 – Ceremony
A Slovak-Philippine Wedding: The Ceremony If you’re curious about our recent wedding, you can read about the first part here, which gives a brief background on how we met, how I proposed, and all about our preparation and plans for the big day. You can also look through all our wedding-related archives on this post. As promised, this is a three-part blog series about our wedding. This is the second part which focuses on our ceremony. We are blogging it because very few of Ruby’s families and friends managed to go to our wedding – and we’re trying to relive the moment by writing about it. Here goes! Peter’s Point…
Peter and Ruby Wedding Photo Gallery
Here’s the official Peter and Ruby Wedding Photo Gallery, from Getting Ready to Formals to the Ceremony to the Reception, specially curated for this website. We’ll release more photos on more blog posts, but for now, here’s a teaser of some of the best we chose (which will ultimately go to our wedding photo album)
A Slovak-Philippine Wedding: Part 1
This is the first of a 3-part series on our wedding on May 28th, 2016, in Sarasota, FL. I met Ruby in October 2013, at our workplace in Jacksonville, FL. Ruby impressed me with her knowledge and love of travel, and I impressed Ruby by giving her free food for two weeks! So it was a win-win right from the start. I proposed in April 2015, in a real Slovakian castle (full story of the proposal here), and we decided to hold our wedding on Memorial Day weekend the following year, to give people an extra day off so they wouldn’t have to rush back home to work. So without…